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Arensky & Korngold
Erich Wolfgang Korngold, Anton Arensky

Escher Trio

Arensky & Korngold

Price: € 12.95
Format: CD
Label: Fineline Legacy
UPC: 0608917240726
Catnr: FL 72407
Release date: 01 May 2006
1 CD
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€ 12.95
Fineline Legacy
Catalogue number
FL 72407
Release date
01 May 2006

About the album

Jeroen Bal - Piano | Sonja van Beek - Violin | Johan van Iersel - Cello
Anton Stepanovich Arensky (born 1861 in Novgorod, died 1906 in Terijoki, Finland) was a Russian composer, conductor and pianist. Although many of his works have a Russian feel, he was not as nationalistic as Rimsky-Korsakov. His greatest influence was Tchaikovsky Erich Wolfgang Korngold (born 1897 in the Czech town of Brno, died 1957 in Hollywood) was a child prodigy, causing a sensation in Vienna at the beginning of the 20th century. Korngold started work on his Piano Trio op. 1 in 1909 at the age of 12, finishing it a month before his 13th birthday in April. He fled the Nazi regime for America and was welcomed with open arms by the Hollywood film industry. He wrote the scores for some 19 movies, including two Oscar-winners Impressive homogeneity, an energized style, great individuality and daring programming are qualities that have characterized the Escher Trio since its inception a decade ago. The Escher Trio has won international acclaim from successful tours of Germany, the Czech Republic, Norway and the United States.

Arensky en Korngold energiek uitgevoerd
Anton Stepanovich Arensky was een Russische componist, dirigent en pianist. Hoewel veel van zijn werken Russisch klinken, was hij helemaal niet zo nationalistisch. Hij werd vooral beïnvloed door Tchaikovsky. Hij heeft vanalles gecomponeerd: opera's, baletten en toneelmuziek, maar ook symfonieën, concerten, liederen en kerkmuziek. Hij componeerde een opmerkelijk trio voor viool, cello en piano − het stuk dat te vinden is op dit album.
Erich Wolfgang Korngold was een wonderkind, waardoor hij in het begin van de 20e eeuw een sensatie werd in Wenen. Hij begon aan zijn Pianotrio Opus 1 op twaalfjarige leeftijd en voltooide het een maand voor zijn 13e verjaardag. Korngold vluchtte naar Amerika vanwege het naziregime en werd met open armen ontvangen door de Hollywoodfilmindustrie. Hij schreef hier muziek voor 19 films, waarvan er twee zelfs een Oscar wonnen.

Het Escher Trio was een trio dat samengesteld was uit violiste Sonja van Beek, cellist Johan van Iersel en pianist Jeroen Bal. Het werd opgericht in 1991 en speelde ruim 15 jaar lang vrijwel alle belangrijke pianotrio's uit de laatste drie eeuwen uit op alle belangrijke podia van Nederland. Het trio kreeg internationale erkenning door succesvolle tournees in Duitsland, Tsjechië, Noorwegen en de Verenigde Staten. Sinds 2009 gaan Johan van Iersel en Jeroen Bal samen met Tjeerd Top door als het Vermeer Trio. Indrukwekkend samenspel, een energieke stijl, individualiteit en een gedurfde programmering zijn kwaliteiten die het Escher Trio − en tegenwoordig ook het Vermeer Trio − sinds zijn oprichting kenmerken.



Anton Arensky

Arensky was born in a music-loving, affluent family in Novgorod, Russia. He was musically precocious and had composed a number of songs and piano pieces by the age of nine. With his mother and father, he moved to Saint Petersburg in 1879, after which he studied composition at the Saint Petersburg Conservatory with Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. After graduating from the Saint Petersburg Conservatory in 1882, Arensky became a professor at the Moscow Conservatory. Among his students there were Alexander Scriabin, Sergei Rachmaninoff and Alexander Gretchaninov. In 1895 Arensky returned to Saint Petersburg as the director of the Imperial Choir, a post for which he had been recommended by Mily Balakirev. He retired from this position in 1901, living off a comfortable pension...
Arensky was born in a music-loving, affluent family in Novgorod, Russia. He was musically precocious and had composed a number of songs and piano pieces by the age of nine. With his mother and father, he moved to Saint Petersburg in 1879, after which he studied composition at the Saint Petersburg Conservatory with Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. After graduating from the Saint Petersburg Conservatory in 1882, Arensky became a professor at the Moscow Conservatory. Among his students there were Alexander Scriabin, Sergei Rachmaninoff and Alexander Gretchaninov.
In 1895 Arensky returned to Saint Petersburg as the director of the Imperial Choir, a post for which he had been recommended by Mily Balakirev. He retired from this position in 1901, living off a comfortable pension and spending his remaining time as a pianist, conductor, and composer. Arensky died of tuberculosis in a sanatorium in Perkjärvi, Finland at the age of 44. While very little is known about his private life, Rimsky-Korsakov alleges that drinking and gambling undermined his health.
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky was the greatest influence on Arensky's musical compositions. Indeed, Rimsky-Korsakov said, "In his youth Arensky did not escape some influence from me; later the influence came from Tchaikovsky. He will quickly be forgotten." The perception that he lacked a distinctive personal style contributed to long-term neglect of his music, though in recent years a large number of his compositions have been recorded. Especially popular are the Variations on a Theme of Tchaikovsky for string orchestra, Op. 35a - arranged from the slow movement of Arensky's 2nd string quartet, and based on one of Tchaikovsky's Songs for Children, Op. 54.
Arensky was perhaps at his best in chamber music, in which genre he wrote two string quartets, two piano trios, and a piano quintet.



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